Rental terms

Rental terms

Rental terms

1. RENTER’S AGE: The drivers must be at least 23 years old .The driver’s license must be valid and issued at least 12 months before.

2. MINIMUM rental period is one day

3. TRAFFIC FINES: Tickets and attached administrative sanctions, resulting from any violation of the Greek Traffic Law during rental period, burden the renter.

4. DEPOSITS: The calculated price must be paid in advance.

5. INSURANCE: Clients are covered by following insurance: Body injury up to 750.000€, property damage up to 750.000€, fire, theft up to 20.000€, glass damage , property damage by uninsured car and , legal security insurance of the vehicle, driver and owner up to 20.000€ in every case.

Personal accident insurance of driver/owner: In case of death , total/partial permanent disablement, medical cost, daily hospital’s grant  up to 30.000€The car insurance only covers damage that occurs during normal use of the vehicle. Therefore, will not pay: if the driver of the insured car is under the influence of alcohol , medicine or drugs according to the rules of article 42 of the Greek Traffic Law 2696/99 and if the driver doesn’t have any suitable driving licence for the vehicle he uses, if the accident happens due to malice prepense of the insured, the driver or the owner of the car, if anyone else except the persons who are listed in the rental agreement drives the vehicle, or the rental contract is expired and the vehicle has not been returned to Violations of the Greek Traffic Law are not covered. Furthermore, the insurance does not cover damages of tires or underneath parts of the car, if they result from malicious or extremely negligent actions e.g. off road use, curbstone crash e.t.c.

The rented car must not be used for:

  • Transportation of passengers, objects for fare
  • Towing away or hauling other vehicles or objects
  • Staging of car races generally
  • Rent or lent to third parties
  • Transportation of heavy luggage above the load limit
  • Transportation of inflammable, contaminating or odorous materials or drugs and as a mean to act against customs regulations, traffic rules or other legal provisions.

6. GASOLINE: Renter pays for gasoline consumed during the rental .If the customer returns the car with less gasoline in the tank than the initial amount, there will be a charge of the missing gasoline.

7. FERRYING THE CAR: Only with written agreement of

8. AVAILABILITY: Car models are according to original planning delivery. Problems, however, may compel us supply another vehicle in exceptional cases.

All these terms are valid after the signature of the rental agreement.

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